6 Plants that keep spiders, ants, flies and mosquitoes away from home.


6. Marigold

Marigolds are not just beautiful flowers; they also act as a natural pest repellent. The scent of marigolds is effective in keeping mosquitoes, ants, and even some types of beetles away. Planting marigolds in your garden can help protect other plants while adding a burst of color.


  • Repels mosquitoes and other garden pests
  • Brightens up your garden with vibrant colors
  • Attracts beneficial insects like butterflies


Incorporating these six plants into your home and garden can significantly reduce the presence of spiders, ants, flies, and mosquitoes without the need for harsh chemicals. Not only do these plants offer pest-repelling properties, but they also enhance your living space with their beauty and fragrance. So, whether you have a green thumb or are just starting, consider adding these plants to your home for a natural approach to pest control. Your home will not only look great but also feel comfortable and pest-free!

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